Facebook Give Away.

Vanwege mijn naderende verjaardag, organiseer ik een kleine give away op mijn Facebook pagina. Hierdoor maak je kans om deze leuke halsketting te winnen. Waag dus zeker je kans! Je moet de pagina en deze foto "liken" om deel te nemen. Door deze give away op bijvoorbeeld je blog, Tumblr, etc. te delen, maak je extra kans! Vergeet echter geen link tussen de comments te plaatsen. Je hebt tot 24 augustus de tijd om deel te nemen. Op 25 augustus kondig ik de winnaar aan. Veel geluk iedereen!!

Due to my upcoming birthday, I'm hosting a fun give away where you get the chance to win this lovely necklace. How to enter? Very simple, just like my Facebook page and this photo. To gain extra enteries, you can share the photo or spread the word on your blog, Tumblr, etc. Just don't forget to include the link in the comments! You have until 24 August to enter and the winner will be announced the day after. I wish you a lot of luck!!

5 opmerkingen:

  1. I don't have Facebook can I still enter in some way x

    1. Hello,
      Sorry for my slow answer! Right now, this is a give away hosted through Facebook. I am very sorry to hear you can't enter. But I do plan on hosting more give aways and I will use my blog for it as well.

      Have a lovely day!

  2. Shared here http://thebluerabbithouse.blogspot.com/2012/08/facebook-give-away.html
    Happy birthday! :)
